Sunday 28 December 2014

Series 22

Season 22

First Episodes from season 22 can be found on the website, 

Click Here

Saturday 29 March 2014

Moving To New Website

New website is being made for 21topgear

The link can be found here


Once on the Website make sure to leave your opinion about the website in the poll on the right of the page.

Hope you will enjoy a new look


Monday 17 March 2014

Quick Poll

Hi guys if you could please answer this poll regarding the quality of upcoming episodes.
online poll by Opinion Stage
online poll by Opinion Stage

Episode 7


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are battling across Burma in three ancient and barely functioning lorries.

Having forded rivers, climbed mountains and endured a Burmese trucker stop, they must now venture into the Shan state, an area rife with civil war and normally closed to western TV crews, as they head towards Thailand and their final challenge - to build a bridge over the River Kwai.

Taken From BBC website

Episode 7

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Sunday 16 March 2014

Facebook Fan Page

As you all probably know my videos on YouTube showing people where they can find the episodes always get flagged which results in my YouTube account getting deleted. I am making those videos to get more people to know about this blog. I decided to make a Facebook page few days ago but i didn't really do anything on it as I though no one would ever like it but recently 3 people liked it which was a shock to me. I then decided maybe if I posted this post on my blog you could maybe like my page on facebook The page wont be great at the start but the more I will get used to it the better it will get. 

Here is the link 

Monday 10 March 2014

Episode 6


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are on a mission to build a bridge over the River Kwai in Thailand. However, in order to that they must first drive across a country that has been largely closed to westerners for over 40 years: Burma.
Futhermore, the trio must make this trip in three lorries that have been bought 'sight unseen' from the internet for a limited budget. Unsurprisingly, they are not quite as the trio might have hoped or expected.
What follows is an epic journey of beautiful scenery, regular adversity, ongoing malfunction and the constant bickering of three badly dressed buffoons.

Taken From BBC website

Episode 6

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Friday 7 March 2014

Another Youtube Accounts deleted.

YouTube has deleted my accounts again its a battle that I am never going to win. I upload the videos to tell people about this blog so they could watch the videos.

The videos get flagged all the time by some ungrateful people. 

So I am asking you for one favor if you can please share this blog or tell your friends about it. If its not too much of a hassle for you.

Thank you very much 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Another Channels Got Deleted

Another 2 accounts got  deleted !!

Someone flagged another videos on my Channels. 
I really don't know why people bother I am trying to show them where they can find this blog but all they do is flag it. I guess nothing I can do about that all i can do it make another YouTube channels and keep this thing going.

Thank You all !!

I would like to thank everyone for coming and checking out my site/blog. I am soo happy to see that visitors from 91 countries have already visited my site I never though that would happen.

 Its all thanks to you. 

If you can subscribe to my YouTube channel so you will be informed when new videos are out but if you don`t want to there is no need to as the videos will be up every Monday.

Also last thing if you can please comment on my posts I think that would get more people to the site and it would make look more normal.

Thank you once again.

Enjoy the episodes.