Monday 3 March 2014

All Videos Got Delted.


 As you can probably notice non of the videos work.

 Its because they were all deleted i am sorry for the inconvenience. 

I will have the videos up and running again i just have to get them back on a good server. I will update once videos going to be uploaded.

 Episode 5 is still working so enjoy.


  •  Videos are being uploaded. Its going to take a while as there has to be uploaded 27 Gigabits.
  • 7 out of 21 uploaded.
  • Episode 4 now fully working.
  • 8 out of 21 uploaded.
  • Episode 3 now fully working.
  • 18 out of 21 uploaded.
  • Episode 2 now fully working.
  • Episode 1 now fully working.

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